
Cinnamon as an Insect Repellent

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Cinnamon as an Insect Repellant
 <optional>By: Suin Park




 Cinnamon as an Insect Repellent

Su In Park


Period 6


Environmental Challenge Project


May 16, 2011




Description and Rationale



  Cinnamon is a spice obtained from aromatic inner bark of several trees either sold as a stick or ground into a powder. Cinnamon is used in cinnamon roll bread and also in embalming and meat preservation. It has now been introduced as herbal remedies that improves circulation and as natural mosquito repellent in the Philippines.   

           What is the impact of cinnamon used as an insect repellent on people? How is its presence affecting the people’s livelihood? How often should be the repellent used? Can insect repellent be used around children? 

            Cinnamon has a great source of manganese, fiber, iron and calcium. Cinnamon is not only antibacterial and anti fungal but also effective in reducing blood sugar levels, lowering cholesterol, aiding digestion and curing headaches and migraine pain.

 The cinnamon trade started 3600 years ago and cinnamon came to Philippines as the spice routes was introduced in Southeast Asia in Maritime. Nowadays, over twenty people, mostly children in the Philippines die of dengue fever every year. Dengue fever is a viral disease spread by mosquitoes. As recent studies show, pure cinnamon, which is particularly effective in killing mosquito larvae, can act as an all-purpose insect repellent (American Chemical Society (2004, July 16). Cinnamon Oil Kills Mosquitoes. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 29, 2011). 

             The initial purpose of this project will be to research the biology and ecology of the cinnamon as well as do firsthand observations and interviews with people living in the squatter community near Faith Academy (with the assistance of a Tagalog-speaking interpreter). These initial findings will help guide the experimental phase, where key variables in the cinnamon’s usefulness will be further explored.

It is hoped that new use of the cinnamon might help improve the livelihood and increase the life expectancy of the people living in Philippines, specifically near Antipolo through a more informed understanding of an abundant biological resource.       


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Common Names and Synonyms


     Cinnamon is also called Cinnamonmum zeylanicum or Cinnamonmum verum. It is a spice obtained from the inner bark of a small, tropical, evergreen cinnamon tree. Cinnamon trees are native to South-east Asia. The common name ‘cinnamon’ comes from Hebraic term “amomon” which means spice plant. Other synonyms include Cannon (Egypt), Sikingplikoy (Philippines) and Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Cinnamon is mostly known as Cassia which is the usual common name for cinnamon.



Domain: Eukarya - Eukarya is one of the three domains of life that includes Eukaryotes, organisms that contain a “true nucleus”. Organisms also have membrane bound organelles like mitochondria. Eukarya includes all of the plants, animals, and fungi.

Kingdom: Plantae - Organisms are capable of performing photosynthesis to acquire nutrients.

Phylum: Magnoliophyta - Organisms with flowering structures (flowers).

Class: Magnoliopsida – Organisms are dicotyledons and have two seed leaves, or cotyledons, in the embryo contained in the seed.

Order: Laurales – Organisms are members of the basal group of dicots, meaning that they arise from the base of a stem.

Family: Lauraceae – Organisms are aromatic evergreen trees or shrubs.

Genus: Cinnamomum – Organisms have aromatic oils in their leaves and bark.

Species: Cinnamomum zeylanicum - “True cinnamon”, which is different from other species that belong to the same genus Cinnamomum.

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Morphology and Physical Description



 (leaves of cinnamon)       (bark)                    (seeds)                   (fruits)


The cinnamon tree is an evergreen with thick, reddish brown bark, small yellow flowers, and its leaves have a spicy smell. It grows to a height of approximately 20-60 ft (8-18 m).

           Cinnamon is native to Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, and Nepal.  The bark of a cinnamon tree is used as a spice because it has a distinct spicy smell. The leaves are “ovate- oblong” in shape and it is usually 7-18cm long. The flowers are arranged in panicles (a cluster of flowers which grows on the end of the branch or shoot) and have greenish color. The fruit is purple and usually one-centimeter long containing single seed.  

           Cinnamon is a vascular plant and therefore has vascular tissues such as xylem and phloem. Each are composed of more than one cell type and are found in vascular bundles. Xylem moves water in any direction but usually up, from the roots to the shoots, while phloem moves sugars from the leaves, at the top of the tree down to the roots in one direction. Cinnamon uses two vascular tissues, xylem and phloem along with adhesion, cohesion and waters movement from high water potential to low water potential, to transport nutrients and water.

           The active ingredients in cinnamon are eugenol(C10H12O2)and cinnemaldehyde(C9H8OCO). Eugenol is also called clove oil because it is an active ingredient in cloves. However, eugenol is also extracted from cinnamon and gives aromatic smell of typical cinnamon. Eugenol is also used in perfumes, flavoring and medicines. They are also used as insect repellent and UV absorber. Eugenol can be harmful if it’s used more than it’s needed because it might cause diarrhea, dizziness and rapid heartbeat. 

Cinnemaldehyde also known as cinnamic aldehyde is a chemical that gives cinnamon its spice. Cinnemaldehyde is in the bark of the cinnamon tree and the essential oil in the bark is 90 percent cinnemaldehyde. It is also used as an insecticide and fungicide because of its scent which repels insects and also animals such as cats and dogs.     

Concentrated cinnemaldehyde is harmful because it can irritate skin and is also a chemical toxin which can cause hazardous in long term process. 


Cultivation Practices


           Cinnamon tree is mostly grown in Southeast Asia especially in Sri Lanka. Cinnamon is a tropical evergreen tree and needs a low altitude with a moist, hot, tropical climate in order to be successful in cultivating cinnamon. With a well-ventilated and warm environment, cinnamon is grown for 2 years then the branches and the inner barks of the tree are harvested. The year after this, shoots start to come out from the roots.

           For a cinnamon seed to germinate it requires an average temperature of 20° Celsius to 30° Celsius, an average rainfall of 1250 mm to 2500 mm, and an average elevation of 300m to 350m from sea. It also prefers deep, well-drained moist soil that is either loam or sandy and has no root disturbances.

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     Like some of the other plants, Cinnamon has flowers and reproduces sexually by seed enclosed in an ovary. The fruit is purple and usually one-centimeter long containing single seed.

           “Its flowers house the female reproductive structures, the carpel, including the ovary, style, and pollen tube and the male reproductive structures, the stamen, including the anther and filament. Pollen grains are called microspores and are required to fertilize the megaspore, the female egg. Pollen is carried to the carpel by means of wind, insects, or other pollinators.”



Environmental Factors


If cinnamon trees are attacked by pests or diseases during their development, then the cinnamon crop are likely to be reduced.

Leaf diseases cause the leaves of the cinnamon to grow yellowish brown or black spots. Colletrotrichum gloesporioides, Pestalotia cinnamonmi, Stenalla spp, and Cephaleuros virescens are the technical terms for the fungi that cause leaf diseases. Another disease is a root and stem disease which cause the stems and roots to turn black or brown. After a period of time the stems and roots might rot.  

“According to Tropical Agricultural Research & Extension, the major insect pests of cinnamon include cinnamon butterfly Chilasa clytia Lankeswara, and Moore and leaf miner Conopomorpha civica in India. In Sri Lanka, Trioza cinnamomi, eriophyes boisi, and Chilasa clytia are a few of the more common pests. These all are louse, mites, butterflies, larvae, grubs or caterpillars which cause leaf galls, a bump that develops from them feeding on the leaves.”

Diseases & Pests of the Cinnamon Tree | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/list_6855380_diseases-pests-cinnamon-tree.html#ixzz1JmFy1jwB

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Origin and Distribution


     Cinnamon was used in ancient days as spice for embalming and also for medical purposes. Cinnamon is mentioned in Chinese writing in 2800B.C. and also in the Old Testament of the Bible (Exodus 30:23 - 36).

           The map below shows the spice routes from Southeast Asia in Maritime. The trade began from Arabia to East Africa, Madagascar then to Asia especially into Sri Lanka, India and Philippines.


The spice trade which included the precious cinnamon started 3600 years ago. As spice was very useful and important in varied ways,



Importance to People


     The outer bark of the tree is scraped off and beaten until the inner bark is loosen. “The inner bark is then prized out in long rolls. Only the thin (0.5 mm (0.020 in)) inner bark is used; the outer, woody portion is discarded, leaving metre-long cinnamon strips that curl into rolls ("quills") on drying. Once dry, the bark is cut into 5–10 cm (2.0–3.9 in) lengths for sale.” The bark is dried for four to six hours in a warm environment and the outcome is a cinnamon.

According to the International Herald Tribune, in 2006 Sri Lanka produced 90% of the world's cinnamon, followed by China, India, and Vietnam. According to the FAO, Indonesia produces 40% of the world's Cassia genus of cinnamon.

Cinnamon brings wide range of benefits to human being. Cinnamon can be used in diets for it can help lower your cholesterol, it can also inhibit blood clotting in the body and it also keeps your bones strong. Not only used in diets but also in embalming for cinnamon has distinct odor. Cinnamon is also used in treating diarrhea and other problems in the digestive system.   


Survivability and Endangered Status


     Unlike other flora such as walnut tree, Cinnamon is not considered an endangered plant in the world. Cinnamon is native in Sri Lanka which means that cinnamon is one of the main items that Sri Lank produces. Not only in Sri Lanka but other countries such as Brazil and Philippines cultivates and produces cinnamon. Cinnamon is widely known and is one of the ancient spices that were popular to people until now. This shows that cinnamon is not an endangered plant.

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Potential Solutions

     At the present, it has been established at this point by researchers that the cinnamon, particularly the bark of the cinnamon is used as an insect repellent. Cinnamon was mostly used in embalming, meat preservation, and also as spice. It has now been introduced as a natural insect repellent in the Philippines. Further research and field studies of the cinnamon are necessary to make more effective insecticide that is environmental friendly rather than the poisonous insect repellent that we have it right now. Below are three possibilities with an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages for each.


Possibility 1 Natural Insecticide


     Cinnamon can be used as an insecticide to get rid of undesirable insects in the house. Insects dislike cinnamon for two reasons: it's a powder and they don't like the feel of it in their mandibles, and they dislike the spice odor. Shake plain cinnamon (not cinnamon-and-sugar) into cracks and gap and the insects will not cross the spice. Another way is to purchase cinnamon oil and a few cotton balls. Place few drops of cinnamon oil in the cotton balls and place them all around the house. This will keep the insects away for they hate the scent of the cinnamon. Additionally, if the cinnamon oil is too dilute and doesn’t repel insects, add some cinnamon powder in the cotton balls to make the scent of the cinnamon more concentrated.


1.)    If cinnamon is used as a natural insecticide, the house will be free from the unwelcomed insects, and will smell wonderful.

2.)    Thousands of children and pets are poisoned each year by ingesting insect repellants and chemicals. Natural insecticide will reduce the amount of poisoned children and pets from ingesting insect repellents and chemicals as well as repel the insects in the house without the potential for unpleasant health effects.

3.)    Natural insect repellents are way cheaper than the insecticides with poisonous chemical.


1.)    If the cinnamon is used too much in the insect repellent, it can burn your skin since its high concentrated.

2.)    Use caution when using cinnamon oil around children. While it won't hurt them to touch the oil, it will hurt if they rub it into their eyes.


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Possibility 2 Cinnamon Lotion


Cinnamon is an essential oil used to treat exhaustion, low blood pressure, lice, scabies and stress. It also smells great and is a unique scent which is hated by insects. One great way to include cinnamon essential oil in your life is to mix in a body lotion you can use whenever you want.
Things you’ll need: 

Unscented lotion

Wide mouth jar

Cinnamon oil

Wooden spoon


1.)    Take regular, unscented body lotion and put 1 oz. into a jar with a wide mouth.

2.)    Drip 10 drops of cinnamon essential oil into the body lotion. Do not exceed 2 percent of essential oil in a lotion.

3.)    Blend the essential oil into the lotion with wooden spoon, taking care to mix thoroughly.

4.)    Apply a small amount of the lotion to your skin (for a skin patch) and watch for an allergic reaction such as burning or hives. If there's no allergic reaction, feel free to enjoy your new lotion.

5.)    Consider purchasing cinnamon leaf oil as cinnamon essential oil made from the bark may cause skin irritation.

How to Make Cinnamon Aroma Oil Lotion | eHow.comhttp://www.ehow.com/how_2191520_make-cinnamon-aroma-oil-lotion.html#ixzz1LeNlNr29


1.)    Cinnamon lotion is not only useful as insect repellent but also improves circulation and increases blood flow which helps you warm up when you feel cold and chilly.

Cinnamon as an Insect Repellent 2.)    If cinnamon lotion was applied before bed, it keeps the body free from the insects especially from mosquitoes which will reduce the risk of children getting dengue fever.

3.)    Cinnamon lotion is safer to use than chemically made lotions.


1.)    Allergy is one of the disadvantages of using cinnamon as an insect repellent. The chemicals in the cinnamon might cause physical reactions such as sneezing, coughing, difficulty in concentrating and breathing.  

2.)    Essential oil of cinnamon is hard to find and it’s very expensive. This is because essential oil is purely from the flowers which are difficult to produce. 

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Possibility 3 Cinnamon Votives 

Things you’ll need:

A glass votive holder

Rubber band

Cinnamon sticks


Tea light candle


1. Start with a glass votive holder and put a rubber band around it.


2. Then line up cinnamon sticks around the glass, using the rubber band to keep them in place.


3. After you’ve surrounded the glass with cinnamon sticks, cover the rubber band with raffia.


4. Place a tea light candle in the votive. 





1.)    Tie cinnamon sticks to a glass votive holder with raffia, as the sticks heat up you’ll enjoy a waft of cinnamon scent which also helps in repelling insects from the house.

2.)    Informal settlers use candle as one of the sources of light. If the cinnamon sticks are included with the candle, it can be used as decoration as well as insect repellent around the house.


1.)    Although rare, if you are extremely sensitive to cinnamon products the burning wax may affect you.  You'd have to be extremely sensitive, though, for it to have an effect. If you have asthma or respiratory problems, you cannot enjoy the cinnamon scented candles.

2.)    As the cinnamon products can be used as a source of light in informal community precautions should be made not to cause fire. 


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Action Step:



Alden, Robert L. Proverbs. Grand Rapids: Baker, 1983.

American Chemical Society (2004, July 16). Cinnamon Oil Kills Mosquitoes. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 29, 2011


Gaspard, Acey. "Making Lotions - Cinnamon Scented Lotions." Skin Care Tips - Protect Your Skin with These Skin Care Tips. 2011. Web. 07 May 2011. <http://www.skin-care--tips.com/articles/5289-making-lotions.html>.


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Plant Growth Facilities 2009. <http://florawww.eeb.uconn.edu/198800172.html>. Accessed 12 April 2009


Fong, Jonathan. "Jonathan Fong Style - Cinnamon Votives." Welcome to Jonathan Fong Style. Web. 07 May 2011. <http://www.jonathanfongstyle.com/decor/cinnamon_votives.html>.


Jaclyn. "CLASSIFICATION." BioWeb Home. 2009. Web. 07 May 2011. <http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2009/bero_jacl/Site_2/Classification.html>.


Jaclyn. "Life History of Cinnamon: How This Plant Continues to Exist." BioWeb Home. 2009. Web. 07 May 2011. <http://bioweb.uwlax.edu/bio203/s2009/bero_jacl/Site_2/Reproduction.html>.


Verspohl EJ, Bauer K, Neddermann E. Antidiabetic effect of Cinnamomum cassia and Cinnamomum zeylanicum in vivo and in vitro. Phytotherapy Research. 19.3 (2005): 203-206.


Wong, Cathy. "Health Benefits of Cinnamon - What Are the Health Benefits of Cinnamon." Alternative Medicine - Everything You Need to Know About Alternative Medicine. New York Times Company, 27 Oct. 2007. Web. 29 Apr. 2011. <http://altmedicine.about.com/od/cinnamon/a/cinnamon.htm>.



SUBJECT: Questions about Cinnamon (Cinnamonmum zeylanicum or Cinnamonmum verum).

May 9, 2011

Good day, Dr. Oh Byoung Gap

           I ‘m Su In Park, the daughter of Pastor Park Yong Sung. I hope you remember me. I am currently a biology student at Faith Academy, an international school in Manila, Philippines. I am researching environmental challenges of the Philippines with the goal of identifying action steps to become involved in local initiatives. I am trying to find information about Cinnamon (Cinnamonmum zeylanicum or Cinnamonum verum) as a subject. I already know that you are a Korean herbal doctor as well as a missionary in Baguio, Philippines. I was wondering if you might be able to help me by answering the following questions: 



계피는 신경을 따뜻하게 하고 독이 없는 약제이다. 계피의 주성분은 계피유하고 하는 정유(essential oil)로 cinnamic aldehyde, camphene, cineol, linalool, eugenol 등이다.

Cinnamon bark makes nerves warm. The alleged poison in it does not exist in the cinnamon bark. There are other active ingredients in cinnamon bark excluding cinnamic aldehyde and eugenol. In cinnamon bark there are also camphene, cineol, and linalool.



이들 성분의 주요 기능의 위장의 점막을 자극하여 분비를 왕성하게 하고 위장의 경련성 통증을 억제하고 위장관의 운동을 촉진하 가스를 배출하고 흡수를 좋게 하기도 한다. 또 계피는 신경을 흥분시켜서 혈액순환을 촉진시키고 몸을 따뜻하게 하면 장내의 이상발효를 억제하는 방부효과도 있다. 이런 위장관 및 혈액에 관한 작용으로 건위약, 몸이 찬 사람, 심장쇠약에 의한 부종, 만성병으로 체질이 허약하고 기혈이 부족한 사람, 허리와 무릎이 쑤시고 결리며, 관절이 시릴때, 냉통이 있거나 몸이 차고 월경복통이 있는 여성, 뱃속이 차고 아프며 대변이 묽어지고 구토를 하고, 장에서 소리가 나는 설사 등에 이용된다.

These ingredients in cinnamon produce cinnamon oil by process of refinery or heating. Cinnamon bark also makes high secretion because it stimulates the stomach. The primary ingredient of the cinnamon bark heals stomach spasm and lessens discharge of gas because it promotes proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and improves absorption. The cinnamon bark is effective in healing stomachache during the winter and fall. It also relief stomach cramps of women during menstruation and cures diarrhea.



계피는 허약하고 열이 부족한 사람이 먹는 것이므로 열이 있거나 몸에 열이 많은 사람을 사용하지 않도록 하고 가을이나 겨울에 먹는 걸이 더욱 좋다.

It also warms the nerves and body. Also, cinnamon bark has an antiseptic effect that controls abnormal fermentation. It promotes absorption and promotes bloodcirculation.




계피의 cinnamic aldehyde와 eugenol는 지속적인 말초혈관 확장작용(혈압강하) 및 혈소판 응집억제작용도 있으며 기타 발한작용, 진토작용 등도 있다. 감기, 진통, 진경을 위해서 많이 사용된다. 

Cinnamic aldehye and eugenol have an antiseptic effect that controls abnormal fermentation. It promotes absorption and promotes blood circulation. When temperature is high, it is possible for a person to have difficulty with his/her body’s blood circulation. Heart failure and other chronic diseases are also developed. It helps cure people with weak heart because it promotes blood circulation.



계피는 주로 차로 마신다. 뱃속이 냉할 때 계피를 달이거나 가루로하여, 가을이나 겨울의 복통에 좋다. 오한이 있고 손발이 차거나 뱃속이 찰 때, 허리 등이 쑤시거나 여성의 허한성 월경통에 계피죽을 쑤어서 먹으면 좋다. 계피(2-3g)를 진하게 달여서 즙을 짜둔다. 쌀죽을 쑤다가 죽이 익을 무렵 게피의 즙이나 계피가루 1-2g을 넣고 끓인다. 흑설탕이나 꿀을 가미해서 먹는다. 계피죽은 3-5일 동안 아침 저녁으로 따뜻하게 해서 먹는다.  

Cinnamon is mainly drunk as tea. It also can be cooked as cinnamon porridge which is good in healing stomach cramps during menstruation and joint pains. One can make cinnamon oil by taking the extract of the Cinnamon bark. Two to three pieces of small barks will make enough cinnamon tea. And for the porridge, use the cinnamon extracts which will form after heating the bark. Mix it with rice gruel and add honey to have a better texture and taste.  






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